Thursday, December 31, 2009

Personal sustainability

With the end of 2009 almost upon me, I have been scrambling to get together some GREAT resolutions for the new year on how I am going to be a better me. I actually came across some resolutions I set last year and thought I should just copy and paste, scratch out 2009 and add in 2010.
I was to lead a lower impact life, slow things down, cook more, be a better partner, a better friend, ride my bike more... all that good stuff. I realize that these are things in which I want to always live my life by, not just goals for the year. The idea of goals is one that challenges me greatly. I LOVE goals, I love setting goals and writing them down and making charts and all that good stuff. But what goals don't do is get me through the day to day and at the end when I have accomplished my goals, then what? It is not sustainable for me to be only goal oriented, rather I want and idea of where I am going. Like a healthy lifestyle, a low impact living, stronger relationships, and then set intentions to live each day towards that.
Life isn't very fulfilling as a check mark on a list.
So new resolution for the list 2010 - remember to live my life as I plan it to death

1 comment:

Ecacofonix said...

Hmmm Nicole...that's a nice certainly is not only about targets being met but more about knowing where we are going...

But having targets and striking them off is not exactly a bad fact it could facilitate you in finding the direction and make your journey that much more enriching

NS @ Enexions - Enabling Sustainbility