Sunday, September 12, 2010

The right to be in business

OK so who gets the right to be in business and stay in business.
If you are to look at the way things are right now. I would say ANYONE can be in business - you just register and then off to the races. Now who has the right to stay in business. Well one could argue that those who are successful have the right.
I am not going to pick on any real companies today for my example. Let's pretend I have a business (I just made some cupcakes for a neighborhood barbq, so let's use them as an example) My cupcake business is SO popular ;) I make lots of money and get lots of press, I have celebrity endorsements, and I am publicly traded.
But let's say that in order to be in business I use ingredients that caused environmental pollution in their growing. That the farmers making my ingredients were not paid a minimum wage and did not work in completely safe working environments. Let's say that it was just too expensive to do these things, but hey my business was popular and kept many people here employed.

This is a question I wrestle with often. In my line of work I know too much about what companies to to offer customers cheap or even not cheap products. There are corners cut all over the place and they are the corners that we are comfortable with because in my case I want a $1 cupcake. At what point are we as consumers going to demand better, demand more from companies. And say this isn't right?

Cool options are starting to find their way to the markets, but now it is up to consumers to by organic over conventional, to buy FairTrade, to buy the non toxic version over the conventional. If the demand isn't there, then we are at a loss.

Companies who do not know their impacts and do not make strides to improve their environmental and social impacts - don't have the right to remain in business for long.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I am so busy I am bored

I look around me and have noticed how incredibly busy people say they are. The idea of busy is interesting to me because it gets wrapped up with the idea of importance.
Busy people are important, they have tasked to do, they have deadlines to meet, they are essential in the success of the business, or in their personal life. We have to look at this because I think the idea of busy relates directly to sustainability. And slowing our selves down is a correction in the path from an unsustainable life to a sustainable one.
Why are we busy? Expectations, interests, keeping up with the Jones, the need to get ahead, the need for coveting more... there is always more to do, more to say, more to experience. This is life.
Our minds have decided that being busy is a life style we want or... we HAVE to have.
When we are so busy we have to make priorities, of course my boss comes before me, of course my kids come before my partner, of course X comes before Y. This is the nature of trying to do everything all at once.
If we choose to do somethings quickly we have to take short cuts, and those short cuts have impacts, not only on us, but on the world. My short cut might be to buy pre-made foods, or order take out, or not exercise, or not be a part of my community, or not read about issues, or engage with people. The list goes on and we notice OH I have a little more time, so we add more things to our list and become even busier.
Another thing I notice about the idea of busy is that I am not used to the feeling of busy. So busy that I do not understand what to do with myself or my mind when I don't have something I need to do. SO I start to make up projects, fill in time, go shopping, all sorts of things. And soon I become bored. Because this busy, this filling in all sense of quiet with consumption of things and duty has me locked into a feeling that I cannot escape.
Who I am I and what value am I if I have not output something today?
I have to answer this question because the busier I become the less useful I am. And I need to remain grounded if I am going to step out of the race and look for some kind of alternative....
I'll get to that, but in the meantime - like my plants I planted?