Monday, September 19, 2011

Take it seriously, but not TOO seriously

I think sustainability work has made me a bit of a downer.  Or maybe I am a bit of a downer and have been attracted to sustainability work.  It makes sense, there are a lot of problems to be "fixed" when we look at the way we live and work and play when we think about global sustainability.  And my personality gets caught up in it. 
I have been told that I analyze things a lot.  And interestingly enough I am learning this to be true.  So for instance, I was trying to decide what to make for dinner last night and had all these great veggies from a friend's garden I debated over and over again what to make that required the least impact, meaning what could I do without having to go to the store and buy more food.  And what would be the healthiest and what would be the easiest to cook so I didn't have to use a lot of water and fuel.  Well in the end we ended up with leftovers and it worked, we used up food we already had and were fed.
There are a lot of pieces to the sustainability puzzle and our brains can get caught up in trying to balance it all.  Sometimes this is helpful, but a lot of times I get to caught up in those details that I fail to see the big picture.  To stop and see there is a simpler answer and to laugh a little and take myself a little less seriously.  Making good decisions for sustainability isn't going to come easily unless we make the process of making those decisions fun and engaging.  So adding lighten up to the solutions for sustainability.

1 comment:

Kelsey and Pat said...

well put... although I don't think your a debby downer, you always brighten the room and make people think and be conscious and thats a good thing!